9 Awesome Exhibits from the 2018 Lamont Open House

This annual celebration consists of talks by Lamont’s world-renowned experts as well as dozens of hands-on activities and experiments for kids to learn about how our planet works.

Earth Institute
October 18, 2018

For decades, the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory has been opening its doors to the general public during Open House. This annual celebration consists of talks by Lamont’s world-renowned experts, opportunities to connect with scientists one-on-one, and dozens of hands-on activities and experiments for kids to learn about how our planet works.

Click through the slideshow below to see some highlights from the this year’s Open House, which took place on October 13.

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Explore more exhibits in the videos below.

Amazing open house at #LamontRocks today! Many more kids now know that ice flows! Thanks all 3400 people who came ! @Martin_Wearing @elizabeth_case @JulianSpergel @goodnesglaciers pic.twitter.com/FKMgp4nFGm

— Jonathan Kingslake (@JKingslake) October 13, 2018

It may be raining but Open House goes on! Oobleck for bathtub science is getting prepped. See you soon! #LamontRocks pic.twitter.com/n9Uh5fwW4S

— Earth Institute (@earthinstitute) October 13, 2018

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