
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory seeks fundamental knowledge about the origin, evolution, and future of the natural world.

Earth & Climate Science News

Research from the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory has the world’s climate scientists rethinking their models.

Even healthy young adults may not be able to survive unless they can access artificial cooling.

The Attribution Science and Climate Law Conference brought together scientists, legal experts, policymakers and advocates to explore how advancements in climate attribution science can shape litigation, policy and governance.

Recent awardees include: Kerstin Lehnert, Edward A. Flinn III Award, American Geophysical Union and Distinguished Public Service Medal, Mineralogical Society of America; Kai Kornhuber, Climate Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award, European Geosciences Union; Dhruv Balwada, Nicholas P. Fofonoff Early-Career Award, American Meteorological Society; Gisela Winckler, Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Sciences.


Since our founding in 1949, Lamont-Doherty has been a leader in the Earth sciences, with many scientific firsts. Learn more about our history.


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PhD-Level Researchers

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National Academy of Sciences Members

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Acres of Campus with Sanctuary Forests on NY's Hudson River


Science for the Planet: Why Marshes Must Be Preserved
Lamont Features Map
Lamont Features Map

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Milestones in Climate Science
Milestones in Climate Science

See our timeline of pioneering Lamont studies underpinning the modern understanding of climate change.

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Lamont researchers are in the field studying the dynamics of the planet on every continent and every ocean. Journalists may join and cover expeditions when possible. Learn more about this essential fieldwork.