A Day in the Life of the Hudson & Harbor
Each fall, schools all along the Hudson River collaborate to create a “day-in-the-life” picture of the river. The annual event is designed to bring school groups and education partners to the Hudson where they can learn directly from the river. Using seine nets, minnow pots, water-testing gear and simple tools, thousands of students catch and release many of the Hudson’s 200-plus species of fish, track the river’s tides and currents, check the salinity, examine water chemistry and quality, and even take a look at the muddy river bottom. The event is hosted each fall, coordinated by The Hudson River Estuary Program of New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and operated in partnership with the Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve and Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory.
The 2024 event was run on October 10th, 2024 with wonderful participation from schools and educators. We have loads of data and stories emerging but wanted to share this short video clip from the NYSDEC at a site they visited up in Albany at Corning Preserve. Note the video opens in youtube on a new window.