Polar Climate Ambassadors Program
A program from youth for youth, that brings together high school/secondary age students interested in learning and communicating about the importance of our polar regions. Designed around the principles of INSPIRE - INFORM - ACTIVATE, we first engage youth through resources that showcase the Arctic and Antarctic, then through a range of tools we explore the climate messages and connections that link us to these incredibly important areas, and finally we support these ambassadors as they create their own resources and assist in locating opportunities to share and inspire others! Interested? Register here!
Summer 2024 In-Person Polar CAP Internships!
We are currently accepting applications for our Summer 2024 in-person high school/community college student Polar Climate Ambassadors Program. Polar CAP will meet July 8th-August 15th M-Th from 10am-3:30pm each day. M-W will be in person at Lamont and Th will be remote. We will also have two Saturday sessions doing outreach together with the public at Piermont Pier, Piermont, NY. Our applications for summer 2024 have closed! Thank you to all who applied and you will hear from us shortly!
Check out these short videos, including What Scientists Say We Can Do to Fight Climate Change and more!
The Polar Climate Ambassadors are solutions-focused, creating this graphic and this list of what you can do in your life. Keep growing by adding your ideas!
Polar Ambassador Video
GreenDrill Project Finds a Greenland That is Changing Rapidly
The GreenDrill Project is exporing when Greenland was last ice free by drilling through the ice to the bedrock below and using cosmogenic nuclide test to determine when the rock was last exposed to the atmosphere. The Polar Climate Ambassadors created a set of vidoes that focused on the scientists working on this project. You can find the videos on our youtube page. Here is a playlist selection to review!