Organization & Policies

Campus Life Committee


– Review and recommend improvements to policies, procedures, and facilities pertaining to the general quality of daily life for all staff members on the Lamont Campus, including:

Integration of new staff members into the campus community;
Campus infrastructure such as roads, parking facilities, and transportation;
Use, availability, and accessibility of residential accommodation on and off campus;
Food services;
Campus facilities for the care of children;
Social, cultural, and sports activities and facilities available for students and staff on campus; and
Other matters related to general working conditions as may arise.
– Solicit broad input from the campus community on these matters.

– Provide input to campus development or other planning activities as may be requested by the Directors of the Campus Units.

– Work closely with other campus committees, including the Laboratory Safety Committee.

– Recommend establishment of ad hoc committees as needed.

– Generate an annual report by the end of March that summarizes 

            a. prioritized recommendations,
            b. implementation strategies and
            c. estimated costs for quality-of-life

 – Recommend new members and chair of the committee as terms end.

Reports to:
Directors of Lamont Campus Units. Policy issues, as necessary, will be brought forward to the Executive Committee.


Membership of the committee should reflect the demographics of the Lamont Campus community, e.g., ensuring representation from the student body, junior and senior scientists, and members of the research/technical, administrative, and facilities staff. 

  • Andrew Goodwillie, Chair
  • Linda Pistolesi, CIESIN
  • Monica Hinojosa, Yasmin Yabyabin, DEES
  • Chris Rowan, Marine & Polar Geophysics Division
  • Caitlin Dieck Locke, Graduate Student Body, DEES
  • Remí Cousin, IRI
  • Miriam Cinquegrana, Administration, LDEO
  • Sheean Haley, Biology and Paleo Environment Division, LDEO
  • Jennifer Lamp, Geochemistry Division, LDEO
  • Angela Martin, Marine/Large Programs, Borehole, LDEO
  • Dhruv Balwada, Ocean and Climate Physics Division, LDEO
  • Conor Bacon, Campus Postdoctoral Representative, Seismology, Geology and Tectonophysics Division, LDEO
  • Dean Pearce, Head of Facilities (ex officio)
  • Andrew Reed, Facilities, LDEO (ex officio)

Membership Term

The membership term is for two years. The chair is appointed for two years but may remain an ex-officio member of the committee for a third year.

Mentoring Award Committee


The committee will evaluate the nominating and supporting letters. The committee will provide the Director's Office with a recommendation of one individual to receive the Excellence in Mentoring Award. The award will be presented at a ceremony.

In addition to recommending an award recipient to the Observatory Director, the selection committee will also:

-consider mentoring at the Observatory in a broad sense, and make recommendations to the Director about how to improve mentoring;

-plan an event that highlights the importance of mentoring to accompany the award ceremony;

-recommend to the Observatory Director new committee members for the following year.


– Lamont Directorate:

  • Chair: Vicki Ferrini, Associate Director for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

– Award Recipients from Each of the Previous 2 Years:

  • Co-Chair: Kirsty Tinto, Lamont Associate Research Professor, Marine and Polar Geophysics - 2022 recipient Scientific category
  • Jean Hanley, Geochemistry - 2019 recipient Technical/Administrative category
  • Co-Chair: Jerry McManus, Geochemistry - 2019 recipient Scientific category

– 1 Representative from IRI:

  • TBD

– 2 Graduate Students:

  • Christine Chesley, MPG
  • Henry Towbin, Geochemistry

– Lamont Research Professor:

  • Jim Davis, SGT

– Research Scientist

  • Daniel Westervelt, OCP

– Staff Associate

  • Sheean Haley, BPE

– 1 Postdoctoral Research Scientist

  • Renata Constantino, MPG

– Assistant Director, DEIA

  • TBD

– 1 Representative from CIESIN

  • TBD

The Assistant Director of Academic Affairs and Diversity is a non-voting ex-officio member of the committee.

In years when award recipients from the previous two years are not available to serve on the selection committee, these positions will be filled by Observatory Director.

In years when appropriate, the committee will add members from the technical and/or administrative staff.

Committee members will be asked to serve for a term of two or three years, at the discretion of the Observatory Director.

Open House Committee


Staffed by the offices of Development and External Relations, the Open House committee is a widely representative group that is responsible for developing ideas for, and implementing, Lamont-Doherty’s annual Open House. Started 50 years ago by Lamont-Doherty’s founder, Maurice “Doc” Ewing, Open House is intended to show neighbors, students of all ages and the wider Columbia community how Earth works, and what we are doing here at Lamont-Doherty to discover how to steward its resources in the most responsible way possible.

Representing each research Division, the various areas of the Administration, the Department of Earth & Environmental Science, as well as the other units of the Earth Institute housed on the Lamont campus, the committee is responsible for:

- developing ideas for displays, exhibits and lectures for Open House;

- debating the possibility of a theme or slogan for each Open House, while ensuring that Open House showcases the entire campus;

- helping to reach out to as wide an audience as possible – neighbors, friends, alumni, potential science students (from elementary through graduate school) and the Columbia community – while developing exhibits and displays that target each constituency;

- volunteering at Open House itself, by manning the exhibits, displays and lectures, and welcoming visitors;

- enlisting others to volunteer as well, as needed;

- familiarizing oneself with both the campus and the individual exhibits so that Committee members can properly orient visitors.

Executive Committee


All policy and programmatic issues associated with research performance and future directions of the Observatory, including interactions with affiliated Earth Institute and other Columbia units and groups, both on and off the Lamont campus, as they pertain to the intellectual vigor of the Observatory. Will advise on the incorporation of new units having direct intellectual ties to the Observatory, particularly if they are to be located on the Lamont campus. Will carry out research and other planning activities, including identification of appointment needs through a Planning Subcommittee (see below). Will appoint other standing and/or ad hoc subcommittees for specific tasks. Will consult on recommendations to the Directorate made by the Promotion and Careers Subcommittee (see below) concerning all research promotions and appointments. Any matter not resolved in the Executive Committee shall be referred to a meeting of the Observatory Senior Staff at the request of any member of the Executive Committee.

The Executive Committee is chaired by the Lamont Director.

The senior staff representative from each research division is elected by ballot by the Observatory research staff of the appropriate division. The junior staff representative is appointed by the Director, from nominations received from the research divisions. Those members elected or appointed following recommendation to the Director will serve three-year terms.

Ex officio members representing units or groups with which the Observatory has direct research or academic ties can be included on the Executive Committee by vote of the existing members. The Executive Committee is free to request members of the Observatory or others to participate in its meetings where additional input is desired.

Voting Membership

– Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences Chair:

  • Kevin L. Griffin, Chair, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences

– Associate Director Of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion:

  • Vicki Ferrini, Marine/Large Programs

– Associate Directors of the Research Divisions:

  • Andrew Juhl, Biology and Paleo Environment
  • Vicki Ferrini, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • Gisela Winckler, Geochemistry
  • Suzanne Carbotte, Marine and Polar Geophysics
  • David Goldberg, Marine Large Programs
  • Christopher Zappa, Ocean and Climate Physics    
  • James Davis, Seismology, Geology and Tectonophysics

– 1 Senior Research Staff Representative from each Research Division:

  • Billy D'Andrea, Biology and Paleo Environment
  • Joerg Schaefer, Geochemistry
  • Michael Steckler, Marine and Polar Geophysics
  • Robert Pincus, Ocean and Climate Physics
  • Felix Waldhauser, Seismology, Geology and Tectonophysics

– 1 Junior Research Staff Representative

  • Daniel Westervelt, Ocean and Climate Physics

– 1   Research Scientist Representative

  • Angela Slagle (Interim), Marine and Polar Geophysics

– 1   Postdoctoral Research Scientist Representative

  • Andrew Hoffman/Jannik Martens

–  1  Graduate Student Representative

  • Lauren Lewright/Ally Peccia

– 1 Technical Staff Representative

  • Nichole Anest, Seismology, Geology and Tectonophysics

– 1  Division Administrative Representative

  • Sandra Tiwari, Biology and Paleo Environment

Non-Voting Membership

– Heads of designated units, as ex officio members:

  • Steven Goldstein, Interim Director
  • David Goldberg, Deputy Director, Chair of the Committee
  • Alexander de Sherbinin, Director, CIESIN
  • Janice Savage, Assistant Dean, Office of Research, Columbia Climate School
  • Suzanne Camargo, Promotions and Careers Sub-Committee, Chair
  • Noelle Bannister, Interim Associate Dean for Advancement, Development, Columbia Climate School
  • Angel Cherpanath, Director of Finance and Administration
  • Nicole deRoberts, Sr. Manager for Academic Affairs
  • Mahdad Parsi, Director of Research Computing and Infrastructure
  • Dean Pearce, Director of Capital Planning & Facilities Strategy, Facilities

– Administrative Liaisons

  • Nicole deRoberts, Sr. Manager Academic Affairs
  • Kaleigh Matthews, Director of Academic Administration and Finance
  • Naomi Hornedo, Sr. Executive Assistant to the LDEO Director
  • Andrea Paredes, Assistant Director for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Anti-Bias

Postdoctoral Fellowship Committee


– To select the top candidates for the LDEO postdoctoral fellowships.

The committee meets annually for the LDEO Postdoctoral Fellowship Selection and makes recommendations to the Director.

Annually, and subject to the availability of funds, Postdoctoral Fellows (normally three) are selected on a competitive basis from applications made by prospective candidates, upon evaluation of the candidate's academic record and proposed research plan. The advertisements are published in the fall of each year. During the months of December and January the applications are open to examination by the scientific staff of the Observatory, who are invited to comment on scientific excellence, academic achievement, ability to contribute to the research needs and goals of the Observatory, and potential for obtaining future funding. The recommendations of the Observatory staff are then considered by the Postdoctoral Fellowship Committee. The Committee sends its recommendations to the Director, who then extends offers.


  • Yutian Wu (Chair)
  • Brendan Buckley
  • Steve Chillrud
  • Kirsty Tinto
  • Michael Previdi
  • David Schaff
  • Andrea Paredes (Ex Officio)

Members of the scientific staff, appointed by the Director and representing the disciplinary range of the Observatory. Members rotate on a 3-year basis.

Promotions and Careers Sub-Committee


Carries out appointment and promotion procedures for the Lamont scientists and Lamont research professors of the Observatory and recommends to the Directorate on promotions and appointments to all levels of the staff of the Observatory.  Evaluate continuation of rolling tenure appointments in the Senior Staff (members of the committtee who are not members of the  Senior Staff to be recused during such discussion).  Monitor and evaluate performance of the endowment-based salary insurance scheme and career path options for research staff as it relates to recruitment and retention, and recommend modifications. Promotes national recognition and placement on various advisory panels. Promotes candidates for national and international awards.  Can appoint ad-hoc and standing committees for specific tasks.  Assess career path options, salary support and other career-related aspects of the technical staff, and recommend improvements.  Evaluate interactions among research, technical and administrative staff.

For appointments and promotions in designated or affiliated units or for any Lamont appointment where the salary support mechanism is independent of Lamont's endowments, the sub-committee assists the units in the design of processes for searches, assessing promotions etc. and provides comment on the decisions to the Lamont Directorate.


  • Suzana Camargo, Chair, Marine and Polar Geophysics
  • Conny Class, Geochemistry
  • Braddock Linsley, Biology and Paleo Environment
  • Roger Buck, Marine and Polar Geophysics
  • Chia-Ying Lee, Junior Representative, Marine and Polar Geophysics
  • Benjamin Holtzman, Seismology, Geology, and Tectonophysics
  • Andrew Juhl, Ex officio, Biology and Paleo Environment
  • Gisela Winckler, Ex officio, Geochemistry
  • Suzanne Carbotte, Ex officio, Marine and Polar Geophysics
  • James Davis, Ex officio, Seismology, Geology, and Tectonophysics
  • Christopher Zappa, Ex officio, Ocean and Climate Physics
  • Nicole deRoberts, Ex Officio, Academic Affairs

– A group of about 12 research scientists or faculty members from all ranks of the staff. Chaired by a research scientist or faculty member. Appointed by the Directorate in consultation with the Executive Committee.

– Members can include scientists from designated Earth Institute units.

– Members to serve three-year terms.

– Reports through the Executive Committee to the Directorate.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Task Force


At Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, we are committed to creating and upholding a safe working environment, and to fostering a diverse, nurturing and vibrant community founded upon the fundamental dignity and worth of all of its members.  Only then will we be able to fully achieve our goal of producing the fundamental Earth Science knowledge upon which our understanding of and ability to live sustainably on planet Earth depends.

To this end, this task force will provide a set of recommendations for actions, large and small, short-term to long-term, to the Lamont Director which address the following overarching challenges:

·     How do we create a diverse community committed to the inclusion and success of traditionally under-represented groups in the geosciences including Black, Indigenous and people of color? As a leading Earth Science institution, LDEO strives to provide a model for a workplace that cultivates diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).  Our stated commitments to DEI should be backed up by substantive anti-racist actions that promote justice for marginalized geoscientists.  Such actions can be taken at multiple levels and across many scales, and will require examination of recruitment, hiring, promotion, and admission processes, among others. 

·     How do we ensure a research and teaching environment free from explicit and implicit discrimination and bias?  This charge includes, but is not limited to, an examination of our curricula and seminars, as well as institutional and grassroot efforts to make Lamont’s commitment to DEI an integral part of our community’s culture.

·     How do we create a safe and welcoming campus where everyone (including scientists, students, advisors, staff and administrators) thrives and is respected?  This charge encompasses everything from physical structures on campus that impede inclusion, to behaviors and expectations that harm members of historically marginalized groups at Lamont.  This also includes continued examination of the Lamont Code of Conduct.

Timeline and purpose: 

The LDEI Task Force convenes for its first meeting on July 23rd, 2020 and will be active for 23 weeks, until December 31st, 2020, when it will be dissolved.

The goal of the Task Force is to author a Report, jointly authored by all members, which includes appendices of direct recommendations for immediate, short-term and long-term action for the Lamont Directorate. This document builds on the Task Force’s Charge, provided by the Lamont Directorate, and provides specific guidelines for the work of the Task Force and a proposed framework for meeting its key objectives.

For information on Lamont's current DEI efforts, visit Academic Affairs & Diversity.

Bylaws & Handbooks

Lamont Bylaws - updated June 2012

Lamont Code of Conduct - updated February 2019

​Lamont Research Professor Handbook - updated October 2015

    LRP Confirming Review Flowchart - updated September 2018

    LRP Developmental Review Flowchart - updated September 2018

    LRP Critical Review Flowchart - updated September 2018

    LRP Major Review Flowchart - updated September 2018

    LRP Full Review Flowchart - updated September 2018

Lamont Associate Research Professor Mentoring Plan

Lamont Research Scientist Handbook

Postdoctoral Research Scientists

The position of Postdoctoral Research Scientist (PDRS) is intended to serve as an entry-level Scientific Staff position for persons who have recently completed the degree of Ph. D. and who have little or no post-Ph.D. professional experience. Postdoctoral Research Scientists are expected to work closely with members of the scientific staff, to build up their scientific credentials, to seek outside funding, and to make progress establishing themselves as independent scientists.

SCHEDULE: Appointments to PDRS may be initiated at any time.

ELIGIBILITY AND REQUIREMENTS: The Candidate must have completed the degree of Ph.D. (or equivalent) prior to the appointment. Candidates must have available a minimum of twelve (12) months of consecutive salary support at the time of appointment.

APPOINTMENT PROCESS: Any member of the Research Staff may present to the Director, via the appropriate Associate Director, a letter requesting appointment of a Candidate to the position of PDRS. The letter will be accompanied by the Candidate's vita and evidence that 12 months of salary have been secured. The Director will review the request and may, but is not required to, request advice from the Executive Committee. Upon approval of the request, the Director nominates the Candidate for consideration for appointment by the President.

REVIEW: No formal review is conducted.

TERM: Normally, persons will not be retained in the PDRS position for more than three years, with the following exception:

* If a PDRS is awarded a part-time appointment, then the term limits may be extended by up to one year.

PRIVILEGES: Postdoctoral Research Scientists are members of the Junior Research Staff of the Observatory and, as such, are invited to participate in meetings of the full research staff. Postdoctoral Research Scientists may be considered for promotion to the rank of Associate Research Scientist at any time during their award period if they meet the criteria for appointment to ARS.

Institutional Postdoctoral Research Fellows

Annually, and subject to the availability of funds, Postdoctoral Fellows (normally two) are selected on a competitive basis from written applications made by prospective candidates, upon evaluation of the candidate's academic record and proposed research plan. The Director is responsible for ensuring the Fellowship is advertised in national scientific publications. The advertisements are published in the fall of each year.

The candidate must have completed the degree of Ph. D. (or equivalent) prior to the date of award and must have submitted a completed application prior to the January closing date. Since one of the purposes of the Fellowship is to bring new skills and perspectives to the Observatory, persons currently employed at the Observatory or holding a Ph. D. degree from the Department of Geological Sciences of Columbia University are ineligible.

At the request of the Director, during the months of January and February the applications are open to examination by the scientific staff of the Observatory, who are invited to comment on scientific excellence, academic achievement, ability to contribute to the research needs and goals of the Observatory and potential for obtaining future funding. Assessment is made through consideration of the statement of proposed research made by the applicant, three letters of recommendation [made by faculty advisors and scientific peers], and, in some cases, personal knowledge of the applicant's research and publication records by members of the Observatory staff. The staff's written comments are included in each applicant's file. Personal interviews are not conducted. The recommendations of the Observatory staff are then considered by a committee of five members of the scientific staff, appointed by the Director and representing the disciplinary range of the Observatory, who then make the final recommendation to the Director.

Offers should be made only to those applicants for whom a member of the Observatory Staff has been identified to serve as mentor to the Postdoctoral Fellow. When the files of the recommended awardees are forwarded to the Directors Office they should be accompanied by a short note from each mentor stating that they are willing to take on this important responsibility. The mentor will be identified in the offer letter that is generated by the Directors office.

The mentor is expected to help the newly-arrived fellow assimilate into the Observatory, regularly inquire into the Fellows progress, and most significantly ensure that the fellow give two seminars during their tenure as a Fellow - one towards the beginning of their appointment and one towards the end.

The Fellowship is for one year, and awards, twelve (12) months of salary and a research allowance, the amounts of which are set by the Director. An additional nine (9) months of support is normally granted provided that the Fellow has obtained a prior guarantee of three (3) months of non-institutional support. This support may be obtained from an ongoing contract or grant of any Observatory Principal Investigator. This requirement is not designed to be onerous, but to ensure that the Postdoctoral Fellow has developed connections with Observatory scientists or with external funding agencies.

Lamont Postdoctoral Fellows are members of the Junior Research Staff of the Observatory and, as such, are invited to participate in meetings of the full research staff.

The Lamont Postdoctoral Fellow is expected to make a best-faith effort to develop his or her research proposal. No formal review is conducted. Upon completing the term of fellowship, if sufficient funds are available, and with the Fellow's permission, the Director may, with the advice of the Executive Committee, recommend to the President that the Fellow be appointed to the position of Postdoctoral Research Scientist without further review. Alternatively, in cases where the Fellow demonstrates sufficient research productivity and fund-raising abilities, and where his/her research interests are contributing to the long-term goals of the Observatory, he/she may be considered for appointment to Associate Research Scientist, in which case the normal ARS review process is to be followed. PDRS and ARS appointments become effective at the end of the Fellowship period.

Applications for the annual Postdoctoral competition can be found here or by contacting the Director's Office.

Externally Funded Postdoctoral Research Fellows

The appointment of an externally funded Postdoctoral Research Fellow may be initiated at any time.

The procedures governing the appointments of the Postdoctoral Research Fellows who come to the Observatory with full external funding from either a foreign government or from a U.S. government source may be given full time, zero salary appointments without Affirmative Action clearance if the following criteria are met:

Their appointments will not extend for more than three years unless a full search is conducted or authorization is provided by the Vice Provost for Academic Administration for an extension of their appointment for not more than one year in order to allow the fellow to finish work on their current project.

A full search will be required if at some point during their three-year appointment Lamont decides to offer these full-time non-salaried postdoctoral fellows a full-time salaried position.

A request for this type of appointment must be made in writing to the Director. The term of the fellowship, documentation attesting to the award, and a curriculum vitae must accompany the request. Attesting documentation should be in English with external funding described in US dollars.

Extensions: the same request procedure will apply to any extension of externally funded term fellowships up to the three year maximum.

End of Appointment: When external fellowship funding ends or is not renewed, the LDEO Postdoctoral Fellowship appointment will end.

Adjunct, Emeritus and Engineering Staff

Adjunct Scientists

Adjunct appointments are made for part-time service and are renewed annually. Normally, Adjuncts are individuals engaged in research at the Observatory while working simultaneously at the institution of their primary affiliation.

The level of an Adjunct appointment begins at the Associate Research Scientist level.

To seek a new appointment, a supporting memo outlining the proposed research, including the candidate's curriculum vitae, should be submitted to the Director.

Scientists Emeritus

Any member of the Senior Staff of the Observatory in good standing at the time of retirement may request to become a Scientist Emeritus.

Appointment requires approval of the Director and of the Executive Committee.

A Scientist Emeritus may participate in Senior Staff meetings as a non-voting member. A Scientist Emeritus appointment allows the recipient to use LDEO facilities, subject to their availability and in accordance with rules established by the Director, and to serve as co-Principal Investigator on proposals.

Engineering Staff

Lamont-Doherty Engineer Career Ladder for Research Staff Officers:

The Engineer Career Ladder structure within Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory is designed for all Officers who provide skilled engineering support to our diverse science programs.

Positioned within the Columbia University Staff Officer of Research structure, our internal engineer titles distinguish and define entry through advanced engineering backgrounds. This enables us to conduct targeted recruitment and offer a clear line of advancement to those who provide research support in this critical specialty.

Title Table:


  • Junior Engineer
  • Engineer


  • Senior Engineer I
  • Senior Engineer II
  • Lamont Research Engineer

Complete position descriptions, salary structure and ranges are available through LDEO Human Resources.

Columbia University is committed to providing a learning, living, and working environment free from discrimination, harassment, and gender-based misconduct, and to fostering a nurturing and vibrant community founded upon the fundamental dignity and worth of all of its members. Consistent with this commitment and with applicable laws, Columbia has implemented policies and programs that seek to ensure that its employment and educational decisions are based on individual merit and not on bias or stereotypes. The University does not tolerate discrimination, harassment or gender-based misconduct in any form and it provides faculty, staff and students who believe that they have been the subject of discrimination, harassment or gender-based misconduct with mechanisms for seeking redress. 

The Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action (EOAA) has overall responsibility for the management of the University’s policies on discrimination and harassment. This office has been designated as the University’s Compliance Office for Title IX, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and other equal opportunity, nondiscrimination and affirmative action laws. Students, faculty, and staff may contact the EOAA Office to inquire about their rights under University policies, request assistance, seek information about filing a complaint, or report conduct or behavior that may violate these policies. Melissa Rooker, Associate Provost (EOAA) is designated as the University’s Compliance Officer for Title IX, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and other equal opportunity, nondiscrimination and affirmative action laws.  To contact this office, please visit their website.

In addition to the Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action, there are other mechanisms for students, faculty, and staff to seek redress in the event of any concerns, grievances, or perception of misconduct in the workplace.

Gender-Based Misconduct Office: This office has been established for students to report gender-based misconduct. It is an expanded version of the office previously known as the Student Services for Gender-Based and Sexual Misconduct. It conducts investigations and coordinates disciplinary processes for gender-based misconduct cases involving students. To contact this office please visit their website.

Columbia Compliance Hotline: This hotline is for employees to report any unethical, illegal, inappropriate, or suspicious behavior, or if they feel threatened, harassed, or discriminated in any way. An employee may submit a report anonymously - however anything submitted will become part of the permanent record for that case. To contact this office please visit their website.

Ombuds Office: This office addresses any workplace related concerns or grievances. It is an independent and neutral office that offers informal counseling, mediation and negotiation. This office operates independently of CU administration. They do not offer legal advice and also do not have the authority to enforce any disciplinary action. To contact this office please visit their website.

NoteAny member of the Columbia University community (faculty, staff, student, researcher) who learns of any instance of gender-based misconduct is under obligation to report the information immediately either to the Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action, or the Gender-Based Misconduct Office. Additionally, for members of the Lamont Community (LDEO, DEES, IRI, CIESIN, AFSC), this information should be reported to Lamont Academic Affairs and Diversity.

To report an emergency please dial 911 or call Public Safety at any of the following numbers:

Morningside: 212-854-5555

Medical Campus: 212-305-7979

Lamont Campus: 845-359-2900

Members of the Lamont Campus: You may also dial 555 from any campus phone to reach Campus Security. To contact 911, you can either dial 911 or 9-911 from a campus phone. If you choose to dial 911 you might experience a slight delay (approximately 5-7 seconds of complete silence) as your call gets transferred – do not hang up.

Relevant Policies and Links:

Employment Policies and Procedures on Discrimination and Harassment

Columbia University Policy on Non-Retaliation

Gender-Based Misconduct Policies for Students

CU Gender-Based Misconduct Prevention and Response Document

Note: While all the offices listed on this page take confidentiality seriously, they cannot always guarantee confidentiality if they suspect that the activity or incident in question is illegal in any way or poses some sort of imminent risk or threat to anyone.

Laboratory Inspection System
Version 1.2, June 18, 2003

The purpose of the LDEO Laboratory Inspection System is to enhance safe laboratory work practices within the Lamont research community with the goal to provide a safe work environment for users of LDEO laboratories and to ensure compliance with LDEO, CU, state and federal safety regulations.
It is believed that the staff working in the Observatory’s laboratories will be more likely to get involved with laboratory safety if their peers perform the inspections of the laboratories.

The Lamont Safety Office will nominate members of the scientific staff to act as Safety Inspectors for a specified group of laboratories. Inspectors will be paid for their efforts. The Safety Inspectors will physically inspect on a quarterly interval (4 times/year) a group of laboratories that are not under their control or the control of a PI that employs them, for safety weaknesses.

The inspections will be based on a “Laboratory Safety Checklist” which is intended to assist the inspections. The checklist is not to be considered all-inclusive and the inspector is expected to make comments about any and all unsafe conditions viewed in the laboratories. For each inspection, the original checklist and additional comments will be sent to the Safety Office. The Safety Manager will review each checklist;  Comments will be sent to the PI/employee responsible for the laboratory with a request to remove the observed safety deficiencies.

The Safety Office will retain the checklists and follow up on the reported safety deficiencies with a reinspection of the laboratory. If a deficiency is not corrected after the Safety Office’s reinspection, the Safety Office will inform the Associate Director of the PI’s division. If the matter remains unresolved after a reasonable matter of time the Assistant Director of Facilities will discuss and recommend to the Director of the Observatory actions which might include closure of the laboratory.

In the case that an inspection reveals an immediate severe threat to the health and life of any person working at the Observatory, the Safety Office can temporarily close a laboratory in consultation with the Associate Director of the appropriate division.

The Safety Office will ensure that the safety inspections are performed on a regular and timely basis. The Safety Inspectors will report to the Safety Office.

Recommendations for University housing must be approved by the Director. Because the demand for housing greatly exceeds the supply of available apartments, assignments are currently made only to full-time, compensated officers of instruction and research. Part-time officers are not eligible for University housing.

Application forms are available from the Office of Institutional Real Estate, located at 400 W. 119th Street. In addition, a memo attesting to an individual's appointment status can be secured from the Director's Office.