
Earth & Climate Science News

Galen McKinley and her research group are quantifying how much carbon the ocean removes from the atmosphere—and how much it fluctuates—to better understand climate change.

Where tectonic plates collide off the coasts of the western United States and Canada, giant earthquakes and tsunamis occur. The last one was 324 years ago. When will be the next?

Why are extreme weather events worsening? How is climate change contributing to this development? And what measures are being taken to adapt to this new reality? 

Researchers offer a behind-the-scenes look at their recent discovery of an earthquake that shifted the course of the Ganges.

2,500 years ago, an earthquake changed the course of the mighty Ganges River, a new study shows. The region remains vulnerable to a similar event now.

Learn more about extreme heat on State of the Planet, and check out Columbia Climate School's workshop on extreme heat, at the Forum July 10-12th.

A popular trope says settlers overtaxed an isolated Pacific island, wrecked the environment and suffered a population collapse. A new study claims the opposite.

Jerry Paros' inventions have improved the measurements of geophysical phenomena such as tsunamis, and enhance our ability to understand the complex earth, air and ocean processes that produce climate change.

For the first time in almost nine years, the R/V Marcus G. Langseth is back in New York City, stationed at the Brooklyn Navy Yard for some much-needed TLC. State of the Planet got a tour of this impressive seismic vessel, learning how it can help researchers forecast earthquakes and save lives in the process.

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