Earth Science Colloquium Series

Lamont Monell Building - Photo by Miriam Cinquegrana

The Earth Science Colloquium Series, sponsored by Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory and Columbia University Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (DEES), provides a lively forum for discussing a wide variety of topics within the Earth sciences and related fields. Colloquia are attended by the full range of scientific and technical staff at LDEO. Colloquium attendance is required of all pre-orals DEES graduate students. The Colloquium Series supports the Lamont Seminar Diversity Initiative

Spring 2025

Fall 2024

Spring 2024

Fall 2023

Spring 2023

Fall 2022

Spring 2022

Fall 2021

Spring 2021

Each colloquium is scheduled for approximately one hour. Speakers are asked to prepare a 40-45 minute presentation, which will be followed by a question and discussion period. The colloquium audience comes from a diverse array of scientific backgrounds including graduate students from the geological, biological, chemical, and physical sciences. Not all members of the audience will be familiar with the history of or methodologies used in every subfield of the Earth sciences. Speakers should therefore begin their talk with at least 15-20 minutes of general background information before proceeding to more specialized topics.

Colloquium will begin at 3:30 pm ET Friday afternoons throughout the academic year. For virtual presentations, the start time may be shifted several hours to accommodate a speaker’s home time zone. Staff and student meetings for in-person speakers will be held on Friday prior to the 3:30 pm lecture.

All in-person Colloquia will be held in the Monell Auditorium. All virtual Colloquia will be given via Zoom. Colloquium speakers will deliver their talks through screen sharing on their personal computer. Zoom support for setting up speaker presentations can be arranged by contacting the colloquium coordinators.