
Your Support Matters

Our planet is facing unprecedented environmental challenges. Lamont-Doherty’s mission of scientific inquiry and discovery has never been more necessary and urgent. 
Your contributions lead directly to improved understanding of our planet’s past and present, and inform pathways to a sustainable future.
We deeply appreciate your generosity, and offer a number of ways to give.

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Quickly and easily make a one-time or recurring online donation on our secure website.

Will your employer match your donation? Use our quick lookup tool.

Contact Stacey Vassallo at [email protected] or (845) 365-8634 with any questions.

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Make your check payable to Columbia University and mail it with a note about your gift’s purpose to:

Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Development Office, 61 Route 9W, PO Box 1000, Palisades, NY 10964

Contact Stacey Vassallo at [email protected] or (845) 365-8634 with any questions.

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Wire Transfer

Contact Stacey Vassallo at [email protected] or (845) 365-8634 for wire transfer instructions.

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You can make a gift of appreciated stock, bonds, or mutual funds. Give your bank or broker the following instructions:

Bank of New York Mellon
DTC# 0443 | Pershing, LLC
For Credit to Account: N7M100061
Account Name: Trustees of Columbia University

Contact Stacey Vassallo at [email protected] or (845) 365-8634 with any questions.

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Gift Planning

Planned gifts can help you and your family meet your financial and charitable goals while supporting Lamont-Doherty in the long term. Planned gifts include bequests, charitable trusts, gift annuities, qualified distributions from retirement plans, or including Lamont-Doherty as a beneficiary on a retirement or life insurance plan.

Contact Stacey Vassallo at [email protected] or (845) 365-8634 to learn more about whether a planned gift is right for you and your family.

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Other Assets

The best way to make your gift may be to donate real estate, tangible personal property, or other assets, including gifts in kind and closely held stocks, which may require special handling. 

Contact Stacey Vassallo at [email protected] or (845) 365-8634 for more information.

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Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory is part of Columbia University and is a 501c(3) nonprofit organization. Gifts to the Observatory are tax-deductible in accordance with the law. Columbia University's tax ID number (EIN): 13-5598093.