On June 10 12:00-2:00pm ET, Join Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory's Hudson River Field Station team for a free, family-friendly fish count event at Piermont Pier (200 Ferry Road, Piermont, NY 10968) for World Fish Migration Day.
Did you know that some of the Hudson River’s most iconic and beloved Hudson River species are migratory? Some like the Striped bass, American shad, Atlantic sturgeon, Alewife, Atlantic menhaden, and American eel use the Hudson River for only part of their lifecycle, while others like Shortnose sturgeon and Blue crab move within the Hudson River, migrating between the salty and freshwater sections during different seasons. Each species depends on this migration.
Lamont and the DEC are hosting this event at multiple locations all throughout the NY Harbor and lower Hudson area. Visit Hudson River Field Station website for all the sites and times, and be sure to check back after the event for a full list of all our catches for 2023. Event tallies for prior years are posted!