Join us at Lamont to “Meet the Teams” supporting researchers like you!
Learn about the many services and resources available to research teams across Columbia University. Hear from Jeannette Wing, Executive Vice President for Research, as well as the following departments:
- Environmental Health & Safety
- Sponsored Projects Administration
- Human Research Protection Office/ Institutional Review Boards
- Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
- Office of Postdoctoral Affairs
- Research Compliance & Training
- Research Initiatives & Development/ Limited Submissions
- Special Projects
- Office of Risk Management
- Columbia Technology Ventures
This town hall will consist of several short presentations followed by Q&A.
Join us at 2:00pm prior to the presentations for a Coffee Networking Hour and light refreshments!
A Zoom option will also be available, and the link will be emailed to all registrants approximately 24 hours in advance.