Richard Seager

I am a climate scientist at Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory. I was born in the United Kingdom and did my undergraduate studies at the University of Liverpool where I was introduced to atmospheric sciences, climate studies and oceanography. I moved to New York and Columbia to do my PhD under Mark Cane and Steve Zebiak in tropical atmosphere-ocean and climate dynamics. After a postdoc at the University of Washington I returned to Lamont and have been here ever since. My work concerns climate variability and change on timescales of weeks to millennia with a special focus on atmosphere-ocean interaction, the causes of droughts and hydro climate variability and change. My work uses numerical models, observations and proxy climate reconstructions from paleoclimate records and covers the globe.

Fields of Interest

Climate variability and climate change; hydroclimate variability and change; droughts and floods; role of the tropics in global climate variability and change; role of the oceans in climate; atmosphere-ocean interaction; coupling between climate and ecosystems; impacts of climate variations on human society.


PhD Columbia University, Department of Geological Sciences, 1990

Honors & Awards

  • Fellow of the American Geophysical Union 
  • Fellow of the American Meteorological Society
  • Charney Medal recipient, American Meteorological Society, January 2024