Turrin, M., L. Zaima-Sheehy and M. Annunziato. 2024. Eyes in the Sky: Using Remote Sensing to Explore Climate Change Through the Polar Regions. The Earth Scientist. Volume XL: No. 4: 28-38.
Pfirman, S., L. Hamilton, M, Turrin, C. Narveson and C.A. Lloyd. 2021. Polar knowledge of US students as indicated by an online Kahoot! quiz game, Journal of Geoscience Education, DOI: 10.1080/10899995.2021.1877526
Tanenbaum, J., Fenton, J., Knudson, C. Liable, N., Rosamilia, B., Turrin, M., Zaima, L. 2021, Earth Day at Cottage Lane: A local, affordable, outdoor-education-day model for your school, The Earth Scientist, Vol 37: No.1: 4-9.
Park, P. J., Girgenti, C. D., Del Bello, I. G., Tobitsch, C. M., Gorsen, D. M., Stanner, K. C., Van Horn, Kasey, D., Wilding, C., Gonzalez, L. F., Wu, J. R., Adams, J. J., Reeve,E. J., Bender, M. E., Bowser, C. Turrin, M. K., and Lake, T. , 2020, New York City East River Fish Species Inventory and Emergence of a Unique Fish Community Science Network, Urban Naturalist, 38:1-27.
Turrin, M., E. Allan, J. Stock, L. Zaima, 2020, It takes a ‘Superhero’ to uncover the climate secrets in fossilized Arctic Ocean dinocysts, Current, the Journal of Marine Education, 34:1, 22-28, winter 2020.
Turrin, M. S. Pfirman, L. Hamilton, 2020, Polar fun and games, Current, the Journal of Marine Education, 34:1, 9-14, winter 2020.
Zrada, M., K. Kastens, and M. Turrin, 2019. How to help your students ask more and better questions, Oceanography, 32:4, 204-206 https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2019.404
Kastens, K., Bradley-Zrada, M., and M. Turrin, 2019, What kinds of questions do students ask while exploring geoscience data visualizations? Journal of Geoscience Education, DOI:10.1080/10899995.2019.1675447
Xu, Cassie, R. Newton, M. Turrin and S. Vincent. 2018. Early Engagement in Research as a Tool for Broadening Science Participation, in STEM Equity in Teaching & Learning: Meeting the Global Challenges of Standards, Engagement and Transformation in the 21stCentury. Johnson & Johnson Co-authors, Peter Land Publisher, pp. 114-137.
Egger, A., K. Kastens and M. Turrin, 2017, Sustainability, the Next Generation Science Standards, and the Education of Future Teachers, Journal of Geoscience Education,65:2, 168-184, DOI: 10.5408/16-174.1
Passow, M., M. Turrin and Y. Delarosa. 2015. Learning in the ‘Real Classroom’ – Inspiring through Earth Science field experiences. The Earth Scientist, Vol 31, No. 4, 19-23.
Turrin, M., 2015, A Day in the Field:A stepped model to developing data-savvy students, NSTA, The Science Teacher, Summer Issue 2015.
Virk, S., M. Turrin and L. Compres, 2014, Exploring the Efficacy and Engagement of a Glacial Melting Simulation, The Earth Scientist, Vol 30, No 3: 28-31.
Turrin, M, and R. Bell, 2013, Antarctica’s Pine Island Glacier: A ‘Climate Canary’?, Using atmospheric and oceanic processes and the poles to teach the climate system, The Science Teacher, Vol. 80, No 7: 57-62.
Turrin, M. 2013, They Need to Know the Hudson, Pathways, New York State Outdoor Educators Association, Summer 2013, 11-13.
Kenna, T. K., M. Turrin and S. Pfirman, 2012, The “field” through a different lens, Special Paper 486 Earth and Mind II: A synthesis of research in thinking and learning in the geosciences, eds. Kastens & Manduca, The Geological Society of America, pp167-169.
Turrin, M., 2010. “Chapter 3: Outreach: Inspiring Ideas and Initiatives from Around the World” from Polar Science and Global Climate: An International Resource for Education and Outreach, Pearson Education Publishing, contributed sections pp199, 201.
Kastens, K. A. and M. Turrin. 2010. Earth Science Puzzles: Making Meaning From Data, NSTA. 190p. Winner of American Publishers Award.
Kastens, K. A. and M. Turrin. 2008. What are children being taught in school about human-caused climate change? Bud Ward, Editor,Communications on Climate Change: An Essential Resource for Journalists, Scientists, and Educators, pp.48-49.
Kastens, K. A. and M. Turrin. 2006. To what extent should human/environment interactions be included in science education? Special Issue on Earth System Science Education, Journal of Geoscience Education. Vol 54 (3): 422-436.