In-person presentation in Conference Room A, Hogan Hall
Zoom Link: Launch Meeting – Zoom
Please welcome the PS 971 GREEN Team to the Columbia Climate School for an in-person presentation. View Flyer
PS 971 formed their first G.R.E.E.N. (Growing Responsible Environmental Education Now) Team in 2013, the year of their first 3rd grade class, so the team was composed of only third graders. The original GREEN Team constructed the raised beds in the school yard, so imagine a group of 8-year-old students using power tools and actually building and constructing the inaugural garden!
The following year, 2014 included 3rd and 4th grade students, then in 2015, included 5th grade students, and has been since then. The team is open to no more than 20 students, with a high retention of prior year students. The students are trained in the beginning of the year to independently conduct classroom and lunchroom bin audits, energy audits as well as how to talk to teachers about their findings. Throughout the year, they are responsible for conducting those audits and grading classrooms, as well as providing feedback.
In addition to everyday tasks, they also host many school wide sustainability initiatives. the past, they have held classroom workshops, parent workshops and even hosted the office of sustainability teams for walk throughs and interviews!
Please join us in welcoming PS 971 GREEN Team to the Columbia’s Climate School!