Title: Ke Ao Oiwi: Creating Culturally-Nurturing Spaces through Environmental and Social Justice for Native Hawaiian Health
Abstract: In the Hawaiian language the word for land or environment, "aina," can be directly translated as "that which feeds." This definition can be expanded to much more than just our physical environment, but also the social and cultural context - everything that is nurturing and nourishing. This presentation will review the success of several types of culturally-based interventions that aim to broadly address Native Hawaiian health disparities by reconnecting community, land, and spiritual and emotional well-being.
All seminars this semester will be offered via Zoom and in person at ARB 10th Floor Hess Commons. Lunch will be served.
Please register using this link: https://columbiacuimc.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIod-yoqTMjHtMSC2lMjUR8_sEQuiGEP_qN