
Past Event

Learning from Indigenous Voices: Adaptation Futures 2023 Conference

November 30, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Online Event

Join us in discussion with Johanna Lovecchio, Director of Program Design for Climate Action, who will share learnings, dilemmas, and opportunities from the recent Adaptation Futures Conference in Montreal (Oct). The conference brought together adaptation practitioners, academics, funders, and stakeholders from over 120 countries, including more than 2,000 members of the climate change adaptation community. Primary objectives of the conference were to learn from Indigenous, local knowledge and voices in climate change adaptation research, policies, practices as well as bring marginalized voices, especially those from the Global South, to the forefront in pursue of climate justice, equity, diversity and inclusion. Johanna will share some of the layered learnings from her time at the conference and offer space for discussion on the implications for the Climate School and Columbia particularly as they relate to indigenous practice both in North America and in island contexts. The discussion will also include intersection of gender and adaptation and sharing of the current state of international climate justice as it relates to adaptation and loss and damage.

Contact Information

Stacey Bellamy