Dr. Majid Ezzati, Professor of Global Environmental Health at Imperial College London, will be presenting "Cities as unequal opportunities for good health” at the Annual Granville H. Sewell Distinguished Lecture.
This talk will use a combination of historical and recent data to argue that modern cities provide major benefits for public health. However, these benefits and opportunities are divided highly, and increasingly, unequally. It states directions for research to understand and overcome these inequalities.
This event will take place in VEC AMP1, but it is also accessible via Zoom. Register for the Zoom event.
Majid Ezzati is Professor of Global Environmental Health at Imperial College London. He trained in electrical and computer engineering, followed by a PhD in Science, Technology and Environmental Policy. For over 25 years, Majid and his research group (www.globalenvhealth.org) have conducted field studies on environment and health in a number of countries in Africa and in China. He led the World Health Organization’s Comparative Risk Assessment Study, which was the first consistent global analysis of behavioural, environmental, nutritional, psychosocial, and metabolic risk factors and formed the scientific core of World Health Report 2002: Reducing Risks, Promoting Healthy Life. He now leads the NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (www.ncdrisc.org) and co-leads NCD Countdown 2030 (www.ncdcountdown.org), worldwide scientific collaborations that aim to strengthen the evidence for more effective NCD prevention and management. He also leads Pathways to Equitable Healthy Cities (www.equitablehealthycities.org), a global partnership that aims to improve population health and enhance health equity in cities around the world. He is a Fellow of the UK Academy of Medical Sciences.