Julia Gottschalk
Julia Gottschalk is a marine geologist and climate scientist who studies the past dynamics of the climate system based on various climate archives from the ocean and from land. She is currently a postdoctoral research fellow at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (Columbia University) funded through the German Research Foundation working on better understanding past interglacial climate states and carbon cycle dynamics with Bärbel Hönisch, Gisela Winckler, Bob Anderson and Jerry McManus. Further information on her current research project can be found in the project database of the German Research Foundation GEPRIS. Julia Gottschalk received her undergraduate degree in Geosciences from the University of Bremen (Germany) in 2009 and completed her PhD degree in Earth Sciences at the University of Cambridge (UK) in 2015. Over the recent years, her research focused on past climate- and ocean dynamics in the southern high-latitudes. She recently joined 33 other international scientists during Expedition 383 of the International Discovery Program to the South Pacific (Dynamics of the Pacific Antarctic Circumpolar Current) onboard the Joides Resolution. Her research also led her to sail to the Arctic Ocean aboard RV Ivan Petrov, the North Pacific aboard RV Sonne, the North Atlantic aboard RV James Cook and the South Atlantic aboard RV Marion Dufresne. Publications can be found on her Google Scholar profile page. Associated research data are publicly available via the PANGAEA database.